DCA Smart

DCA Smart


Here | you can learn more about the indicator's functions in detail.


Starting Date

The DCA investment begins on this date.


First Trade Amount

The initial amount and the recurring investment amount can be different. You can configure it so that when the DCA period starts or restarts, the first purchase is, for example, 100 USD, while subsequent purchases are 10 USD each.


Recurring Trade Amount

After setting the recurring investment amount, the system will automatically purchase this amount during each cycle, following the First Trade Amount.


Loss Limit % / Take Profit %

Set a percentage profit target, which the indicator marks with a green line on the chart. The TP (Take Profit) level can adjust automatically over time (e.g., daily), allowing the expected return to grow proportionally for positions held open longer.


Smart Invest

By default, the DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) indicator only buys when the existing position is at a loss. The goal is to reduce the average entry price with each purchase. However, the Smart Invest feature takes this even further: if the DCA position remains profitable for 10 days but becomes unprofitable again on the 11th day, it will automatically invest the accumulated capital from the missed days on the first day of loss.


Auto Restart

When the profit target is reached, the system restarts the process with the previously set initial amount and continues the recurring deposits according to the existing settings. If this feature is not enabled, the investment will not continue after profit is realized.



The system calculates and sends the quantity of tokens to be purchased via notification. This feature can be utilized through the Fiantly.com platform. Detailed information and setup guides are available for further assistance.



The backtesting feature allows us to review the historical performance of our configured strategy. While in the cryptocurrency market, especially with bitcoin, past data does not always provide a reliable basis for future outcomes, this feature still offers valuable insights that can help fine-tune the strategy.

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