DCA Smart

DCA Smart


Detailed | description of features. 📚🔍✨

🕒 Time Interval Settings

The Time Interval Settings allow you to precisely define when the strategy should start and how long it should run. This ensures that the trading algorithm remains active only during the specified period, which is especially useful for periodic strategies or strategies tailored to specific market conditions.

📅 Start Date and Time

• Description: The strategy will only activate after the specified start date and time.

• Setting: Choose an exact date and time for the strategy to begin.

• Example: 2024-01-01 08:00 – The strategy starts operating on January 1st at 8:00 AM.

⏳ End Date and Time

• Description: The strategy will remain active until the specified time, then automatically stop.

• Setting: Enter the final date and time for the strategy to stop.

• Example: 2024-12-31 18:00 – The strategy stops operating on December 31st at 6:00 PM.

🔄 Automatic Restart

• Description: If enabled, the strategy will automatically restart after closing a position.

• Setting:

• ✅ Enabled: The strategy automatically restarts after closing a position.

• ❌ Disabled: The strategy does not restart automatically; manual intervention is required.

• Example: If a trading cycle ends and "Automatic Restart" is enabled, the strategy will automatically start the next trading cycle.